July 2009

Jaco, Costa Rica

Today, two brave adventurous spirits will set out on the journey of a life time. Their destination: Jaco, Costa Rica. Their purpose: to live, and experience life in its fullest. Their adventures will be chronicled at 37 days in Jaco.  Don’t miss a single part!

Amazing Grilled Cheese

Click me for extremely gooey closeup

Just because it’s hot outside and the sun is cooking your skin doesn’t mean you should stop cooking hot meals for yourself.  Here’s a quick and easy recipe for an indulgent Grilled Cheese that’s not your average sandwich.


Currently considering taking requests for music at the wedding in September. If anybody would like to hear any specific songs, let it be known in the comments. Artist, Song Title (album if you know it), and whether it should be played during Dinner or Dancing. Have at it!

Yes, he actually said this

In case any of you had been sitting on your laurels thinking that the internets were a series of tubes in which every man, woman and child were equal, please be aware that you’re about to get what they refer to in the scientific community as an ass kicking.
